
My Name is




Hi, I'm Gabriel. I was born in Petrer, Spain. I earned my degree in Environmental Sciences in July 2023. During the process of working on my bachelor's thesis, I became really interested in the world of data analysis. I love the idea of solving real-life problems by working with data and visualizing it. I've been self-teaching myself the most important aspects of the treatment and handling of data. I've always been a hard-working person and I intend to remain that way until I'm out of breath! Here are some of my hobbies:


I enjoy doing any kind of sports. I'm a big fan of soccer , and I also find playing ping pong really interesting. I'm quite competitive when it comes to playing against my opponent...


I'm obsessed with storms. I love staring at them and also tracking them. I live in a place where storms are quite common, so you could say that I'm lucky.


One of the best ways to take in the scenery of nature is by hiking. Since I was a kid, I've always liked walking with my family through different mountains and forests.


I'm really keen on F1. I got really into it in 2015 when Fernando Alonso signed for Mclaren-Honda. I really enjoy watching cars taking corners at speeds over 200 Km/h!

Recent Work

3D Terrain Models

Platforms: QGIS & Blender

The goal of this project was to offer a unique and interesting perspective on three distinct locations around the world: the Canary Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, and the Southeast of Spain.

These visualizations were achieved following these steps: GeoTIFF files were opened using the QGIS program. The map view was then exported as an image, and these images were converted to 3D models using the 'displace' option found inside Blender.

Data Source: The GeoTIFF files were obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Click on the button to download the images. DOWNLOAD

Healthcare Centers in Alicante, Spain

Platform: Arcgis.com

The main purpose of this project was to visualize the distribution of healthcare centers in this province. Each center was identified by its name, center type, number of beds, location, and other relevant details. It is clear to see how a larger population translates to a bigger number of healthcare centers.

There were a total of 393 healthcare centers. The city that had the highest number of centers was Alicante (50), followed by Elche (29) and Orihuela (29). In addition, there were a total of 25 hospitals, with 13 of them being general hospitals.

Data Source: datos.gob.es

Click on the link button to interact with the map. LINK

Spain Population Map (2019)

Platform: R Studio

This project was conducted with the purpose of visualizing the demographic traits of Spanish provinces and discovering the top 10 most populous cities in the country. Each province was identified by its name, population amount, and percentage of men and women.

The province with the highest population was Madrid (6,663,394), followed by Barcelona (5,664,579) and Valencia (2,565,124).

The packages used in RStudio were the following: leaflet, sf, tidyverse, mapSpain, readxl, janitor, maps.

Data Source: The mapSpain package is based on the GISCO Eurostat database and CartoBase SIANE from Instituto Geografico Nacional .

Click on the link button to interact with the map.LINK

Biodiversity in North American National Parks

Platform: Tableau

This project analyses data coming from the North American National Parks. The species lists provide information on the presence and status of species in those parks. These species lists are "works in progress" and the absence of a species from a list does not necessarily mean the species is absent from a park. The time and effort spent on species inventories varies from park to park, which may result in data gaps. Species taxonomy changes over time and reflects regional variations or preferences; therefore, records may be listed under a different species name.

Data Source: kaggle.com

Click on the link button to interact with the dashboard. LINK

Global Significant Volcanic Eruptions
(4360 BC - 2014)

Platform: Power BI

This project studies all the significant volcanic eruptions that occurred from 4360 BC until 2014. A significant eruption is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteria: caused fatalities, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), had a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 6 or greater, generated a tsunami, or was associated with a significant earthquake. The provided database contained information about the latitude, longitude, elevation, type of volcano, last known eruption, VEI index, and socio-economic data, such as the total number of casualties.

Data Source: National Centers for Envrionmental Information (NOAA).

Click on the button to download the Power BI file (only available for PC). DOWNLOAD

Coming Soon!!!

Platform: ...



About me

Environmental Scientist

I earned my High School Degree in Science at I.E.S Poeta Paco Mollà, achieving one of the top three highest marks in my class. I then embarked on my university journey at Universidad Miguel Hernández, majoring in Environmental Sciences. I spent 4 years doing this major, learning a lot about the characteristics of the different components in wich our enviornment is made out of as well as studying variety of ways to buffer the human impacts on it. "Atmospheric Aerosol and Radiation Dispersion: A Study of Hygroscopicity" was my TFG's title. The successful outcome of this project wouldn't have been possible without the support of some of my colleagues at the Applied Physics Department. All the effort put into this final project paid off after obtaining a honors degree with a mark of 9.3. Finally, my major's weighted average stood at 8.54, resulting in an award for the best academic record during the 2019-2023 course.

Finally, regarding my language skills, I've got a B2 Level in Valenciano and a C1 CEFR Level in English.

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Contact info


+34 618 375 998




Petrer, Alicante, Spain